3 Days in the Amazon

by Deb | Fri Mar 9 2018 | #Brazil

Back on line, just spent 5 hours in the blistering heatwave in a queue to cross the boarder from Brazil to Bolivia…. 3 rd world country

We spent 3 days in the Brazil Amazon 🥾 trekking through the fields looking at the wildlife , by foot and horse back.

Other than the mozzies. It was brill. But the boarder crossing today has been hell and hot.

We have arrived at a hotel that’s allowed us to eat, shower and use their pool

Then we have 14 hours overnight on a bus 😞


Just a few. Some live around the complex, they turned up at meal times.

I’m still sticky. Drinking beer, everyone’s in the pool , so I’m going to change now to swim.

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