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Antenatal Class 2

by Amy | Wed Nov 29 2017 | #Family

Another busy day here, we had our second and last antenatal class today. It was meant to cover breastfeeding and first days with baby and only be an hour and half… it lasted two hours and was mainly about breast feeding. We had a surprise visit from a lady promoting reusable nappies and how they work and what types there are which I think took up the time that was meant to cover first days with baby.

Found this really useful as well as there was a lot of information I didn’t know about breastfeeding. I knew it was good for baby and mother but didn’t know all the benefits and how much help there is out there for it. Definitely feeling more confident about giving it a go.

I was really happy we had the surprise visit from the nappy lady as I had looked into reusable nappies and written them off as too much hard work. The ones she showed us looked a lot easier and definitely something I could handle. Going to do a bit more research on the again and possibly give them a whirl.

First days with baby just covered quickly the tests they will do and when the Midwife is going to visit. I am not too fussed about this as I am sure we will be told what’s going on once baby is here and arrange times to suit us. I think if I had to try and remember all that info as well my head would explode.

Really positive day 😀

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