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Baby Cohen

by Amy | Sat Jan 27 2018 | #Family

It has been a busy first week with our new arrival and I had a bit of an ordeal with it all.

I would like to announce the arrival of Cohen John on 12/01 at 21:59 via c-section weighing a Chunky 11lb 02oz. I was 39w1d when he made his grand entrance.

I started getting contractions on Monday around 5pm, they were very random and didnt seem to be getting any regular so I stayed at home and tried to survive on only an hours sleep each night. I had a lot of pain in my back and was really struggling but by Wednesday night (around 11pm) the contractions were coming every 5-6 minutes and were getting stronger/longer. I made the call and went off to the Birthing Unit, they didnt think I was in active labour as by the time I had got there the contractions had slowed down. However because I had only had 2 hour sleep in the last few days and was in so much pain with my back they gave me Diamorphine injection, they confirmed I was 3cm dilated and my cervix was thin, sent Nick home and I was told to try and get some sleep.

At 5am Thursday morning my waters broke, I stayed in hospital all day but my contractions didn’t get any stronger or closer together and they were unable to get me in for an induction. I decided I would go home and try and get some sleep in my own bed and would come in first thing in the morning to be induced. They were not happy with this but I didn’t really give them a choice. (I only live 5-10 mins away from the hospital so figured I would be able to get back in time if anything changed).

Friday morning nothing had really changed with my contractions but I went in for monitoring as my water had broke they were worried about infections. At 11am I went for assessment and to be induced. I opted for an epidural as I was in so much pain with my back and was exhausted. This went in around 2pm as did a catheter and drip as they found I had mild kidney failure. I was 5cm dilated by this point, so in went the hormones to trigger contractions. These need to build up, so when they had got my contractions coming at a rate of 5 every ten minutes they left the hormones to run for 4 hours before I was to be assessed again. I was told to try and get some sleep during this.

After a handover of midwifes I was assessed again around 8:30pm, I was still only 5cm dilated but this time my cervix was thick. The midwife was concerned something was wrong so got two doctors in to do another assessment. After they had gone over my notes and done another internal exam they agreed my best option would be a c-section. They did explain they could ramp up the hormones and give it another 4 hours to see if this changed anything but had concerns this might end up with an emergency c-section.

By 9:30pm I was on route to theatre and absolutely pooing my pants. I have never been admitted to hospital, broken a bone or had stitches so to jump straight to major surgery where I would be awake was terrifying me. Nick was great in trying to keep me calm and explained he would be there the whole time.

Baby was pulled out at 9:59 and they dangled this purple blob above the screen for me to see. Nick announced we had a little boy and he disappeared to be checked over. He had a good set of lungs so I could hear him crying and wasnt concerned. Nick went round to cut the cord and have a nosey of me being put back together. While they were putting me back together I started getting pain so was dosed up with lots of drugs. This made me feel light headed, turns out my BP was going through the roof and they had to stop giving me the drug that helps the uterus contract.

We were taken to a side room where I lay for over 3 hours not fully with it. They were trying to get my bp back down but all I kept thinking was Cohen was crying and I needed to feed him. Nick sat there sick with worry trying to calm Cohen down. After I was able to lift my head and not feel faint Nick and Midwife put Cohen on me and helped him to latch so he could have his first feed.I was just lying there like a sack of potatoes and don’t really remember it. Shortly after I was taken to the ward, given some toast and Nick was sent home.

I then spent Saturday bed bound, so on Sunday when I was finally able to get up I was very very stiff. The Midwives were amazingly helpful. I had a high temperature so we were both put on antibiotics. I was finally released on Wednesday but they were concerned about Cohens weight loss and anticipated I would need to be readmitted should he lose any more. Luckily he hasnt and we have been able to stay at home. The Dogs adore him and every time he makes a noise they jump up and try to sniff him and make sure he is ok.

I am really happy to have my little family all at home.


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