Halloween 🎃 and House

by Amy | Tue Oct 31 2017 | #Family

It’s been another busy weekend. I was feeling very tired and drained on Thursday so I booked last minute holiday for Friday so I could spend a relaxing day with the dogs and recover…. I think I managed about three loads of washing, sorted the spare room it for William to stay, finished my Halloween costume, and stripped the wallpaper in the living room, Ben came round to help as its half term and he ripped off the skirting board and half the carpet with the help of his Dad. When Nick came home from work we ended up picking off the paint on one wall due to a big crack down it. Which is now going to be plastered.


Mollie was not impressed as her house was being turned upside down. In the evening, I ran away and had my nails done in the hopes of being able to relax a little still.


I then ended up doing the food shopping so Nick had enough food and lunch to feed his family over the weekend as they were due to come help him with the flooring and painting. So all in all a very relaxing Friday off work!

Saturday went a lot better, I went round to Elaine’s house to look after the four dogs and Ben went round to ours to help Nick and Will with the floor. Maddie didn’t want me driving 60miles heavily pregnant so came and picked me up in the early afternoon. We had a really nice catch up in the car on route and then I was sat on my butt while she got the house ready. Being pregnant meant I couldn’t do things either so I was pampered. The party was good, everyone liked the costume. It’s was tiring though as it was a lot of standing around talking so I had to sit down every now and then.



I stayed at Karen and Callum’s house as it’s only round the corner and they have a spare bed. It also meant we could leave early if I got tired. It was a really relaxing evening.

When I got home on Sunday Nick had finished the flooring and I am very impressed it looks brilliant.


The girls don’t seem to mind walking on it which is a big relief.


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