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Hi mum

by Jess | Thu Oct 12 2017 | #Family

I really don’t know what to say right now so I’ve just been going through your blog about your holiday and I couldn’t even attempt to tell you how unbelievably proud I am of you. I can’t wait for you to come home and tell me all about it in person, I want to hear everything, about the food you have tasted and the sites you have seen and all the people you’ve met!

Recently I haven’t been up to much that would deem exciting. Since you’ve left all I have done is work and when I’m not at work I am cleaning the flat or I’m studying art. At the moment I’m painting a magpie and so far it’s going really well (it was originally created in oil paint but the painting didn’t go very well, it was fun to play around with a new medium), it’s in watercolour and ink but right now it’s bluer than black and I’m still working on that slowly darkening bits but this is what I’ve got at the moment…

Magpie WIP

I’ve also started working on a comic book but I’ll hopefully be able to show you that well your here back at home.

That’s about all I can tell you because I really haven’t been up to much, hopefully, I’ll be up to something really engaging soon and I can then write you paragraphs upon paragraphs about it!

I really miss you but I’m so glad that you and John are out there making the most of what the world has to offer you

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