More kicking and poorly Candy

by Amy | Sun Oct 1 2017 | #Family

Had a meal out with my friends on Monday which was really nice, we spent the whole time giggling. I was a fatty pants and had three starters and two sides and a dessert but I didn’t bother with a main meal 😂

Nick’s Dad ‘s 60th Birthday this week so we all went round on Saturday and got set up for a party. When everyone arrived we had a lovely time talking and catching up. It was a very late night though.

Candy has injured her leg again and not putting weight on it. We have just filled her with Metacam and hope we don’t need to take her to the vets. She is fast asleep now with a squishy nose (pic below).

Finally found some leggings for the gym that will support my bump! It’s growing bigger everyday and Baby is kicking more and more. Having a personal trainer session each week which is really helping build my confidence and keeping me active which is good 🙂

Nick is good, enjoying building the website


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