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Nothing much ramble

by Amy | Thu Dec 28 2017 | #Family

Hey, I have not written a post for a while but nothing much has been going on. Had my 36 week Midwife appointment, She booked me in for a tour around the hospital and gave me 101 leaflets about stuff I guess I should know but I haven’t bothered to read them yet. Everything was good, baby is measuring a little big but within normal limits and I haven’t been told any guesstimate as to weight yet.

Had my nails done which is always nice as I get to have a good catch up with Claire. Hoping to get another appointment squeezed in before Fidget arrives.

It was our 2 Year wedding anniversary but we were both stuck working so we didn’t do anything on the day, instead we went to see Jumanji on Saturday which was good, we both laughed and ate loads of junk!

Christmas Eve we did the rounds and left at 7:30am to get to Grandma and Grandads for 9am, it was so relaxed and lovely to catch up. We got Bacon and Egg buttys as well which were super scrummy. I have told Grandma about the Blog. We then shot off to Stuart and Zoe’s where Caveman immediately ran upstairs to get his Lego so him and Uncle Nicky could play. We all had a cuppa and chat and then found out Stuart had a problem with the clutch cable in his car so sent Him, Cavan and Nick out to fix it. They got throughly dirty and cold but got it fixed. I was very tired so it was nice to sit on the sofa and relax with Jess, Zoe and Dad. Cavan has to be at his mums by 1pm so we all went off, Dad took Jess to Luke’s along with a hamper full of presents from You and Jon. I believe he went off to see Alex and Gill at work but I was struggling to stay awake so me and Nick headed home.

Christmas Day with the Campion’s was brilliant. We got round shortly before 9am and all opened a present. Then Me, Elaine, Tanya, Ben and Chrissy went off to Church while the others prepared the veg and walked the dogs. Church was lovely there was lots of happy people all singing, Fidget danced throughout so although I didn’t stand up to sing for a lot of it I was still happy and Fidget was having fun. When we got back we opened more presents before a quick tidy up and getting ready for dinner. Dinner was amazing as expected and we all stuffed our faces and laughed a lot. After dinner was tidied away me and Nick went home so I could have a nap before heading back round for Christmas Cake!

Boxing Day I spent the day asleep, I was so tired I just kept napping. Around 4pm I had managed to get showered and dressed and we went off to the Campion’s for dinner and to meet Bens girlfriend Tasha. It went off with a bang! Literally… Richard opened the Processo and it exploded everywhere covering the ceiling, Him, Chrissy, Will, and Tasha. We were in fits of laughter! A few rounds of general knowledge accompanied the yummy turkey curry and dessert. It was a fun filled evening.

Yesterday we woke up to some snow so we got dressed and I managed a walk to the local field with Nick and the girls before heading back home for more sleep. Nick went off and met Elaine and Chrissy with Shep and Misty for some more fun in the snow building a snowman ⛄️. Today I have spent the day sleeping. Hopefully tomorrow we are going swimming.


Three weeks to go! I am now classed as full term at 37 Weeks but have told Fidget to hang on in there as we are not ready yet.


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