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The Rambles of a Pregnant Lady

by Amy | Sun Oct 15 2017 | #Family

Nothing much exciting has happened during the week, Candy looked to be on the mend so we took her off the pain medication and she was aloud off lead without her ball… surprise surprise she is limping again after a few days and is back on short lead walks. I have set up a sweepstakes at work and people are paying to guess the sex and date of birth of baby. The winner will get the pot of money and if nobody gets it right it will go to charity. Baby has been renamed from Sprogladite to Little Fidget as it now wont stop moving. The other day Nick’s hand nearly flew off my belly it kicked that hard. It has been a pain trying to sleep at the moment as when its not moving I find I have heartburn or leg cramps. I am getting enough to make it to the gym most days still, so that is good. Still having a personal trainer session each week which is really helping boost my confidence with the exercises I am doing.

Nick was super busy on Saturday plastering one of the walls in the nursery as it had a huge crack in it, So I went to town to get out of his way. I had an order to collect from New Look as they had a sale on maternity tops for £1 each. I also managed to get two nice knitted jumpers which should stretch to cover bump as it grows. I have also figured out my halloween costume for Maddie’s Party. Will post a picture once I have created it ;-). We then spent the evening with the Campion’s and had a lovely roast dinner and lots of chocolate cake and cupcakes for dessert. It was a really nice evening with no screens and Chrissy was able to feel little fidget kick.

Today has been another busy day with me doing the first coat of paint in the nursery and Nick sorting things out in the bathroom. We have the BEST toilet sear cover ever! We have now managed to order the radiator and door for the bathroom so fingers are crossed that will be finished shortly. I am still on the hunt for some curtains for the Library but it has become a store room at the moment with everything else being done, so I am not in any rush. Dinner time now. xxx

First coat on Nursery.


Toilet Seat!


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